Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sheer Terror

The Girl has just learned to roll over. This is mostly a good thing. But in the crib its giving me the heebie jeebies. You put her down and she immediately curls up her legs and rolls on her side. Then its face down. Now, I was not the best reader when it cam to preparing for the baby. There was a bunch of stuff that I should have read about pregnancy, and labor and birth n' stuff which I didn't start reading until like week 37. It was sort of like cramming for a test. Except then most of it ended up not really mattering anyway... But I digress. So, one of the few things I did actually absorb was that The Girl should sleep on her back... which she has done under our ever vigilant first time parent eyes (and by ever vigilant I mean pathologically paranoid). We even had these bumper things to keep her from rolling over. But now, now she can roll around to her hearts content, and so I consulted What to Expect The First Year (Which I like to call "Everything and Anything You Should Be Worried About When You Have a Baby") and it said that once The Girl can roll over on her own there's nothing you can do about sleeping position, she can get off her stomach on her own. So, after my initial shock at not being told that I was "Doing It Wrong", I was able to attain a modicum of relief, although I still suffer a moment of panic whenever I see her faceplanted in the crib.

1 comment:

  1. Ruthie too! From basically week three or four on, I would put her down and wump, right over onto her face. We had some conversation with doctors about it. Our doc, who I love, was like, "what are you going to do? Stand over her all night and keep turning her over?" Once she can roll over, you just have to kind of let her sleep how she wants and keep a worried eye on her breathing.
