Monday, August 31, 2009

falling down

so ruthie took a fall on concrete while high stepping about outside the restaurant we were eating in. Her mother was walking with her. Everyone says, "boy, I'm sure glad it was her mom and not me watching her..."

Which brings me to my point. Our kids are going to fall down and they are probably going to break an arm at some point. There is NOTHING we can do about it. Not that we shouldn't care for our children, but falling down and hurting yourself is an essential part of learning courage and toughness. Run around after them all you like, you'd do better to teach them to recognize in your voice when something is important and to respond to stop! 

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Me: What should we wear today?

The Girl: ...
Me: How about this?
The Girl: ...
Me: It has giraffe driving a truck...
The Girl: ...
Me: Ha ha ha...
The Girl: ...
Me: Ha ha ha... (pause)... ha ha ha
The Girl: ...
Me: ...
The Girl: ...
Me: ... giraffe driving a truck...

on leaving the country

So, I recently flew to canada and back with Ruthie. Here is an important note: Dads and at least sketchy looking moms must have a certified letter of consent in order to cross the border to canada or mexico. Apparently, this applies less if your wife is taking your baby solo to switzerland (mine got through with no questions asked).

I, however, was stopped at the border. They wanted to call my wife. Unfortunately, her cell phone was in my pocket (sucks for her). They called my mother-in-law. Then she got them a number for my wife. Lots of questions were asked. Border control says to my wife, "do you know he's leaving the country with your child and he doesn't have a return ticket?" My wife says, "oh, he does have a ticket. I bought it for him." It was all very insecure security. I made the plane, but it was touch and go.

lesson learned. when stealing a baby and leaving the country, make sure to bring a woman along or to have some character actors ready to play family over the phone.

Ruthie, btw, was a menace on the way home. Ratio of poops to naps = 3/0

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Gene Splicing

I am always hot. In the summer, the AC is cranked. My wife is under several blankets. I have no blankets and am sweating. My wife has poor circulation in her extremities, so her extremities are always cold. My daughter is hot hot hot, with cold feet.

wiping down

So I told Bender (Jon) my one piece of advice on girls: "wipe down." He was not impressed.

11:09 AM me: hey daddy
  I mean how's it going?
  did I give you my one important piece of daddy advice?
11:10 AM really of infant advice, I have one additional piece of toddler advice
11:12 AM Jon: doing away
11:15 AM me: wipe down
 Jon: always do
11:17 AM me: :)

26 minutes
11:44 AM me: how's charlotte sleeping?
  how's your wife feeling?
  is she up and walking?
11:49 AM Jon: She's doing a good job, giving us some rest between feedings. my wife is amazing and doing really well. My wife is walking, the baby is still learning to walk.
11:50 AM me: well, even genius babies have priorities

11:55 AM Jon: thanks for the tip, dork
11:56 AM me: it's important. on a boy, you can wipe any old direction.  
I mean, it's obvious and all, but not something that springs to mind when your holding two feet in one hand and trying to keep the bottom layer of clean diaper in place with your other hand while wiping...

a cynic enters the field

So, I just joined this blog called, "Dads and Cynics". Sounds right up my alley since I am both a dad and a cynic. Therefore, I am proud to be a founding 'father' of this blog, but I don't think it will be very good.